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Institute Activity


Merry Christmas!

The Lord is coming into the world! He enters history, surrounded by the love in the Holy Family, in the meagerness of the Bethlehem stable.

We wish the truest joy, the source of which is the unceasing reception of the newborn Child into our families, homeland and the whole world, for the coming Christmas holidays and the new entire new year 2024.

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A blow to one of the fundamental rights. Spain criminalises public prayer

- Spanish authorities have banned public prayer, including the recitation of the rosary for the homeland. The decision is in response to mass protests by the population expressing opposition to the amnesty of Catalan separatists.

- States, by introducing legislation criminalising silent prayer, are violating the right to freedom of thought and conscience, which is a fundamental human right.

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Life protection


Abortion a right and 'hate speech' a crime - vote on the motion for a European Parliament resolution

- The European Parliament will vote on a draft resolution on fundamental rights in the European Union.

- The motion, among other things, condemns the impossibility of performing legal abortion, supports the extension of the list of EU crimes to include 'hate speech' and states that 'housing is not a commodity but a necessity'.

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Civil liberties


A new version of the International Health Regulations is under development. Misinformation disseminated in the media

- A new version of the International Health Regulations is under development at WHO.

- As a result, there is misinformation regarding the expiry of the deadline for submitting objections to the version of the International Health Regulations currently under development.

- Some commentators indicate that the new version of the Regulations would come into force as early as 1 December.

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State funding of religious education is the norm in most EU countries

- The Concordat imposes certain obligations on the state in the sphere of religious instruction in public school, in particular the obligation to organise religious instruction.

- The legislator has thus obliged the public authorities to bear the costs of organising religious instruction, although this is not explicitly included in the legislation.

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Civil liberties


Criticism of a children's book published by an LGBT organisation lawful. Judgment of the Constitutional Court of Hungary

· The Constitutional Court of Hungary ruled that a newspaper had the right to criticise a collection of fairy tales containing homosexual themes, published by an LGBT association.

· The case concerned a lawsuit by the organisation, which accused the editors of violating its personal rights.

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